Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Dude, where's my blog?

Yes, it's been two weeks. Damn, that's a long time. Here is part of the reason I haven't been posting. Crappy pic, I know, but it is to prove a point: that's the view from where the computer is. I would just rather stare at blue skies and seas rather than a screen...


Nice weather... we almost hit 80 yesterday. Have been out fishin', smokin' said fish, still workin' at the park and LYS, and all that jazz. All that and the BF's kids are coming in tonight for two weeks. This is the first time we will have met, and we will be cohabitating besides. Oh, and they are teenagers. I just don't know if this 27-year-old crazy ass Cascadian/Alaskan reformed hippie chick is ready to be The Wicked Stepmother just yet. But, despite my nervousness, I just know that we will have a blast! I can''t wait to show them that there is more to the world than the Internet... they are fairly urbanized people, so Kodiak should be quite an education. They are going to shit when they catch their first salmon.

And, speaking of edumication, I'm teaching a three-part knitting class at The Rookery that starts tomorrow night! People have actually paid me money to teach them how to knit!!!!!!!! I'm going beyong what most knitting classes do, I think. They will be making a scarf, but in seed stitch rather than just garter. Also, we'll talk about fiber choices (I have have little cards with raw fiber samples on them), color theory, increasing/decreasing, and even get them acquainted with cables, colorwork, and lace.

I have faith- it's all ladies in the class, and hey, if we can work, keep a house, give birth, raise the resulting spawn, look beautiful, keep a partner happy, then we can certainly conquer the world of knitting... and not have to be content with a stupid garter-stitch scarf ;-)


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